The kettlebell is a highly versatile tool that is often neglected or misused in gyms today. Wellbeing Online would like to help you learn how to implement this tool into you regular workout routine.
A regular topic around the dinner table and in social scientists’ research, the differences in behavioral, emotional and social characteristics between generations is a subject that fascinates many.
Find out what is a Plant-Based Diet and its potential benefits during the next Global Connections webinar with Registered Dietitian Alice Ma from WSU Dining Services.
Amber Morczek, Ph.D. candidate in WSU’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, will discuss rape culture and how this cultural framework normalizes and condones gender-based violence.
Microaggressions are verbal and nonverbal exchanges that put down an individual, intentionally or unintentionally, based on their membership in a marginalized group.
Parents, soon-to-be-parents and child caregivers will benefit from this webinar on the basics of childhood nutrition presented by WSU human nutrition professor, Michelle McGuire.
During this livestream, the activist, journalist, and film director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will discuss her work documenting a wide variety of issues in South Asia.
Delivering the 10th annual Common Reading Invited Lecture will be Khalida Brohi, activist for women’s rights, social entrepreneur, global speaker, and founder of the Sughar Empowerment Society in Pakistan to help educate and empower women.