
#BrandYou 2.0

smiling woman on stool in background, video play button in foregroundIn #BrandYou 2.0, Rebecca Cooney, a Washington State University professor of strategic communication, concludes her two-part webinar series discussing how to consistently implement your personal brand.

Categories: Career Development

Resolve To Get Tech Savvy

crimson background, playbutton in foregroundIn this workshop, Ryan Whitley and Thomas Wilson, co-founders of the Seattle non-profit Tech Diversified, will explain the importance of coding, including online resources, free courses, and face-to-face opportunities.

Categories: Academic

Resolve To Get Tech-Savvy (Promo)

crimson background, playbutton in foregroundThe modern world runs on computer coding, and a little knowledge about code can go a long way toward advancing your career, automating tedious tasks, and creating fun personal projects.

Categories: Academic