Bringing VR Experiences to the World: A Journey from WSU to Silicon Valley


Jay and Uma Jayaram, former WSU professors, will return to campus to present the Lanning Lecture for the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA) at 3:10 p.m. on April 5. The Jayarams will discuss the extension of their research into virtual reality (VR) technologies to form their company VOKE VR, which they sold to Intel in November 2016.

This company, now known as True VR, immerses viewers at live events such as football games, fashion shows, and concerts, and was the first of its kind to deploy panoramic cameras to allow people to view live panoramic video without distortion. VOKE VR first debuted in 2012 at a WSU football game in Martin Stadium, and you likely experienced their technology at the Winter Olympics broadcast from South Korea.

During this livestreamed event, the Jayarams will discuss the development of this technology as well as new developments in the business of VR.

Presenter Name: Jay Jayaram and Uma Jayaram
Date Recorded: April 5, 2018
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